For most of the digital retail companies, classical requirements management is completely in the hands of the customer or the business analysts. Development teams mostly implement solutions based on predefined design, but they hardly contribute to define what is the problem we are trying to solve.

With the introduction of Agile methodologies, the development teams have become key players when it comes to gathering and evaluating customers’ demands. Moreover, the cross-functional, End-to-End Agile teams are in dare need of expanding their borders beyond classical design, involving Business Analysis as a fundamental part of the existing teams. Is this Agile requirement management? How can in the digital retail industry companies like REWE Digital enable this process transformation? How can the end customer, the business people and the agile development teams collaborate in requirement management? In this talk we will see how one of the successful German digital retailers, REWE Digital, is demystifying the old requirement management process and evolving towards an Agile approach.