Günther Krähan joined RBI group in March 2016 (after nearly 19 years in a different bank and hereof 16 years in leadership position) and took over the position of head of IT delivery risk management. Before he was working for a different banking group in Austria, Vienna in different management positions.
Since 2019 Günther is leading the Enterprise Architecture Management team. The EAM team is working continuously on modernization and optimization of the IT landscape, e.g., the internal integration (API and Event) standardization started in his team, ODH (operative data hub) concept was created, both increasing the real-time integration capabilities of IT systems.
Enterprise architects supports and guides business, product owners, delivery managers and many other stakeholders.
The EAM team is running an international community with local EAs, greatly connected with all NWBs, and offering the AiA – architects in action MS-Teams live event, with > 200 participants to give insights to the EA day2day work.
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